Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week in review

I can't believe another week has gone by. Bella started the week by visiting with a general surgeon who will operate on hernias that she has. We thought the operation would happen at the same time as when her palate is repaired, but the surgeon did not want to wait that long. So as long as her heart checks out ok with the cardiologist later this month, she will have her hernia surgery on October 20th.

We also had our first post-placement visit with our social worker this week. I can't believe we have had her for a month already. Sometimes it feels like yesterday and other days it feels as if she has always been with us.

Keenan and Bella have had some power struggles and jealousy issues this week. I know it is natural, but that doesn't make it easy on mommy.

Here is a picture of when Keenan was trying to be loving.

The boy's first soccer games were yesterday. I love watching them play. It is Keenan's first year and he is just so cute out there running around. His socks, shorts and shirt are so big on him that you can't even see any part of his legs because they are all completely covered. They play Upward soccer which is a faith-based program. Michael is one of the directors for the league for our church, so he is very involved in everything that goes on. He coaches Keenan's team, assist coaches Aidan's team, and refs 2 other hours of the day.

Keenan's team praying before their game.

Aidan's team praying ... melt's a mommy's heart.

Bella - their number 1 fan!

Funny story .... Keenan's favorite person right now is Tony Hawk, the skate-boarding legend. I have no idea if Tony Hawk plays soccer, but Keenan doesn't know that. I told Keenan that Tony Hawk runs super fast when he plays soccer. So Keenan ran circles back and forth down the field the entire game. I think he attempted or actually kicked the ball twice. After the game I told Keenan he did awesome. He looked at me and said, "I ran really fast, just like Tony Hawk!" I said, "You know what else Tony Hawk can do? He kicks the ball!!"

Keenan reaching for the sky.
Aidan after having a little too much sugar.

We also went to a birthday party yesterday. (Happy Birthday Kennedy!) All 3 kids enjoyed themselves and got lots of goodies.

We had a picnic with everyone that Michael works with last night. The kids had a great time playing at the park and climbing trees. Everyone at Michael's work gave Bella a beautiful jewelry box with her name painted on top. It is so special.

Here are some more pictures of our week ...

Keenan "working" on his computer just like daddy.

Bella sitting on her stool in her room. She has finally figured out how to get out of her bed. Not sure if that is a good thing or not - ha ha.

Bella cheesing it up in her pretty dress.


  1. Yea!!! I love updates because I feel like I haven't seen you in FOREVER!!! Love the pictures! Your boys rock the soccer fields!!! Bella is such a sweetied cheering on her big bros! Praying all goes well at the cardiologist!
    And I have to agree, that is a REALLY pretty dress. ha ha ha!

  2. Can you hear the laughter? I am rolling at the Tony story....such a funny little guy :) Tiffany

  3. holy tell the funniest stories about your kids...brian & i are both laughing right now. sweet that last pic of bella in the tunnel. love you guys!
