It has been a while since I have blogged so I thought I would catch everyone up on our progress. Currently our paperwork is with the U.S. Embassy in China and should be there another week. It will then be picked up by our agency and taken to the Chinese placing agency and we will then officially be waiting for our Travel Approval!! We are praying that we will get to travel in January and be there and back before Chinese New Year starts in February. If we don't make it before Chinese New Year, then we will be delayed for another few weeks because EVERYTHING shuts down in China for Chinese New Year for a couple of weeks.
We are currently making our "To Do", "To Pack" and "To Buy" lists. We are waiting for an update on Eli and are anxious to get it. Once we get that, we hope to have a better idea of his size so we can get some clothes, diapers. shoes .. you know, the fun stuff!
We have been blessed by everyone's prayers, bracelet orders (we recently received an order for 24 bracelets from someone in Alabama!) and puzzle piece purchases. If you'd like to donate or buy a bracelet, let us know! We have to send our donation for the orphanage by the end of the year and are honestly scrambling a bit to get the $$ together.
We will post as soon as we know our travel plans and hope that everyone can follow along with our journey to Eli!
Praying you all have a blessed Christmas and wonderful New Year to come!